
LA librería was born in 2012 with the goal of promoting children’s literature in Spanish in all its forms. We specialize in imported books from fine publishing houses in Latin America and Spain. Our carefully curated catalog includes thousands of fiction and non-fiction titles for ages 1-15, along with illustrated albums, poetry, graphic novels, chapter books, and comics. The high-quality editions in our catalog reflect the rich culture and history, and the ethnic and linguistic diversity of Spanish speaking countries and communities.

In parallel with our commercial efforts, LA librería promotes cultural events with local, national, and international writers, artists, and musicians, in our bookstore and around Southern California. We also partner with other organizations for various social programs and initiatives to promote reading in Spanish around the country. 


We specialize in helping libraries, schools and school districts around the United States to develop or strengthen Spanish language book collections to meet the needs of their readers and their educational programs. The depth and quality of our catalog, and our experience working with different types of organizations, is without parallel in the country.

For more information about our collection and our services email us at info@la-libreria.net we also distribute our catalog directly to the public through our online store, and book fairs in schools in California and nationally. We finally participate in select cultural, academic, and industry events in California and nationally (see our instagram page for current information on events). If you would like us to participate in your event visit our book fairs page or email us at info@la-libreria.net


LA librería was born of our passion for children’s literature and bilingual education, and after struggling with the limited availability of quality books in Southern California, and nationally. With LA librería we seek to promote the amazingly rich traditions of children’s literature in Spanish, the benefits of bilingualism, and the pleasure of reading, seeing, and feeling well written, beautifully illustrated books with a child.

Thank you for your visit,

Celene and Chiara

LA libreria Bookstore at West Adams LA libreria Bookstore