Marcopola, Libro y Dragoneta van a la costa de las Patatas a visitar a Seara, la abuela pintora de Libro. Pero Blake The Tiger, el terrible caco, ronda por la zona y todos los vecinos son víctimas de sus robos. Marcopola conocerá los asombrosos poderes de la abuela pintora, y todos juntos tratarán de defenderse del ladrón y recuperar los objetos robados.
Marcopola, Libro, y Dragoneta go to the coast of the Patatas to visit Seara, the grandma painter of Libro. But Blank The Tiger, the terrible thief, circles by the zone and all the neighbors are victims of his robberies. Marcopola will get to know the extraordinary powers of the grandma painter and together will try to defend themselves from the thief and try to recuperate all things that were stolen.